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Top 50 Random Fun Facts

1.   It erupts in blue flames in the Ijen volcano located in East Java, Indonesia.


2.   A zoilist is someone that enjoys finding faults in others.


3.   The name LEGO derived from the Danish phrase leg godt, meaning play well.


4.   The Wandering Albatross has the longest wingspan of any bird, reaching up to 11 feet (3.4 meters) from tip to tip.


5.   Donald Gorske holds the Guinness World Record for the most Big Macs consumed. He ate his 28,788th Big Mac in Wisconsin, USA, on August 24, 2016.


6.   There is a place in Yellowstone National Park called "Zone of Death" where a criminal could theoretically get away with any crime, including murder, because of a loophole in the Constitution of the United States.


7.   Up to half of all fruits and vegetables produced worldwide go to waste.


8.   The world's largest species of crab, the Japanese spider crab, can have a leg span of up to 12.1 feet (3.7 meters) and can weigh up to 42 pounds (19 kilograms).


9.   Instead of disposing of their metabolic waste, Grizzly and black bears recycle it.


10.   Did you know that crocodiles can't stick out their tongues? Their tongues are attached to the roof of their mouth!


11.   Bats are also important pest control agents, eating large amounts of insects each night.


12.   Before trees overtook the land, Earth was covered by giant mushrooms.


13.   Didaskaleinophobia is the fear of going to school.


14.   There are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on Earth.


15.   Aviator Jimmy Angels discovered Angel falls by mistake after his plane crashed.


16.   Snowflake is the only known albino gorilla in the world. He was born in the wild and captured by villagers in Equatorial Guinea. In 1966 Snowflake was taken to the Barcelona Zoo until his death of skin cancer in 2003.


17.   In the 16th century, up until the 1960s, Ancient Egyptian mummies were once used to produce a brown paint colour called Mummy brown.


18.   In 2008, a man in the UK legally changed his name to "Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine Hulk And The Flash Combined" because he wanted to be unique.


19.   During the cremation process, the corpse was so obese that it set the crematorium on fire.


20.   Gheorghe Mureșan and Manute Bol are the tallest NBA players in NBA history at 7 ft 7 in (2.31 m).


21.   Bats play a critical role in pollination and seed dispersal, helping to maintain healthy ecosystems.


22.   The human body is 60% water, which makes us one of the most hydrated species on the planet!


23.   The world's deepest postbox is located in Susami Bay, Japan, and is over 10 meters deep.


24.   The oldest known bird fossil is the Archaeopteryx, which lived around 150 million years ago.


25.   California condor can survive without food for up to two weeks.


26.   In Georgia, it’s illegal to let the chicken cross the road.


27.   Foreign accent syndrome is a real condition, although it's extremely rare. It's most often caused by head injury, stroke, or some other type of damage to the brain. People who have this condition starts speaking in their native language with a foreign accent.


28.   Saint Apollonia is the patroness of dentistry and other dental problems.


29.   The practise of burying the dead may date back 350,000 years.


30.   Breastfeeding can lower a mother's risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and breast and ovarian cancers.


31.   The first pair of Nike running shoes was made in a waffle iron.


32.   The smallest mammal in the world is the bumblebee bat, which weighs less than a penny.


33.   After the Pyrenean ibex became extinct in 2000, it had the distinction of being the first animal to be brought back from extinction by cloning. On 30 July 2003, a live specimen was born, but sadly it died less than 20 minutes later due to a lung defect.


34.   Bullfrogs never sleep.


35.   In Austin, Texas, restaurants are required to donate or compost unconsumed food.


36.   Scorpion venom is the most expensive liquid in the world at $39 million per gallon.


37.   It’s illegal to own pet hamster in Hawaii.


38.   According to the researchers from Japan's Kyoto University, Japanese macaques take baths to warm up in winter and to lower stress.


39.   The symbolics.com was the first .com-domain in the world.


40.   A group of clams is called a bed.


41.   Students at the College of the Ozarks don't pay tuition. Their study doesn't come free, though, because they must work for 15-hours on campus per week and complete two 40-hour weeks per school year.


42.   A sneeze travels out of your mouth at over 100 miles per hour!


43.   In 2016, KFC created a Kentucky Friend Chicken SPF 30 sunscreen, which smelled like fried chicken.


44.   The Lovers of Valdaro are a pair of human skeletons dated approximately 6,000 years old. They were discovered at a Neolithic tomb in San Giorgio near Mantua, Italy, in 2007. The two skeletons appear to have died facing each other with arms around each other, thus reminiscent of a "lovers' embrace." They are now permanently displayed inside a glass case in the National Archaeological Museum of Mantua.


45.   Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos.


46.   Zioana Chana has 39 wives and 94 children all living under the same roof, making him the head of the world’s largest existing family.


47.   The official number for reporting spies in South Korea is 113.


48.   Dragon fruit has a unique taste and is a great addition to fruit salad, yogurt, or oatmeal.


49.   The first woman to run a post office in Germany was later burned as a witch.


50.   Sarpa salpa is a species of sea bream fish that can cause hallucinations when eaten.